Results of Port State Control CIC on Emergency Systems and Procedures


( The preparation of emergency equipment, such as emergency power sources and fire pumps of ships, and the ability of the crew in response to emergency situations, are critical factors in saving human lives and minimizing damage to ships. The emergency equipment of ships should be regularly maintained to ensure immediate use in emergency and hazardous situations, and their performance should always be guaranteed. Familiarization of seafarers with the emergency systems and procedures is also essential.

The justification for focusing on this topic was that the number of deficiencies of the category had been in the top five categories for many years and detainable deficiencies of this category had been in the most frequent detainable deficiencies during the past five years.

The purpose of this Concentrated Inspection Campaign (CIC) was to gain an overall impression of whether the equipment provided onboard complied with the relevant convention, the master and officers are qualified and familiar with operations relating to shipboard emergency systems and that equipment is properly maintained and functioning.

Ships were subject to one inspection under this CIC during the period of the campaign, carried out jointly between 1 September and 30 November 2019.

This report presents the results for the Paris MoU member states. Results for the Tokyo MoU member states are documented separately. A total of 48 ships were detained as a direct result of the CIC. Whilst the detention rate appears low (1.2%) it has to be borne in mind that a detention was not always recorded, where it could have been considered
in accordance with the guidance provided.

In 6.6% of cases (120) a fire drill and/or abandon ship drill, when witnessed, was not satisfactory and in 4.5% of cases (48) the accumulator batteries and switchboard, if the emergency source of power, were not in good condition.

In 4.4% of cases (172) for ships with water level detectors installed, the system and alarm arrangements were not operational.

A total of 833 inspections (20.8% of the total of CIC inspections) had one or more CIC-related deficiencies recorded. The most common deficiency was related to “Muster List”, which was recorded in 201 cases, followed by “Emergency lighting, batteries and switches” 169 cases and “Public address system” 109 cases.

For more details click on below image to download PSC CIC results:

Source: Paris MoU

[Total: 3]